Just a few years ago, fungal diseases of the nails were not given much importance, while now everyone understands the need to timely detect and treat a massive contagious fungal infection caused by a variety of dermatophyte fungi. Thanks to widespread public awareness, the number of specialist visits for this pathology has increased, which in turn has led to an increase in the detection of mycosis of the feet. Since any deformation of the nail plate for no apparent reason (for example, lesions) is primarily suspected of a fungal infection, self-diagnosis in this case is a decisive factor. Therefore, any changes in the nail plate are a reason to contact a dermatologist, since at least half of such disorders will have a fungal etiology, and the rest will require careful diagnosis, always performed by a specialist.
Factors leading to fungus:
- In reality, fungal nail infection is a slow-moving disease that does not lead to life-threatening conditions and does not cause pain or discomfort. It most often affects the elderly population, who often associate changes in appearance with the aging process.
- Sufferers themselves are often embarrassed by the disease, are not prepared to face the financial costs of treatment or are sure that it is incurable. Many people begin to self-medicate and do not see the disease as a reason to consult a specialist.
- Since the disease mainly affects the feet, even during medical examinations or medical examinations, the matter usually does not come directly to the examination of the feet, without specific patient complaints about nail changes. This is facilitated by the very short time allowed for visiting patients even in specialized institutions, which unfortunately forces doctors to visit them only for the main reason for the visit.
Fungal nail infection lasts a long timeTherefore, the earlier the disease is detected, the higher the probability of its complete recovery. Furthermore, an early start of therapy allows you to limit yourself to the use of external preparations and nail cleaning only, and this is only possible if the infection has affected individual nails with distal or lateral edges less than 1/3-1/2 of the dish. Local external therapy is used to treat the initial stages of fungal nail infection. Advanced forms of fungal infection require longer and more expensive treatment. Periodic preventive examinations and medical examinations of the population play a special role in the early diagnosis of nail mycosis.
This seemingly harmless disease can have very serious complications:
- smooth skin damage and secondary infection;
- fungal sensitization with the formation of allergic reactions and outbreaks of microbial eczema;
- complication of chronic dermatoses, varicose veins of the lower extremities and foot lesions in diabetes mellitus, etc.
It is impossible not to mention the epidemiological significance of existing foci of fungal infection: a sick person will infect public places and other people, and in everyday life it will be a source of intrafamily transmission of fungal infection.

Nail mycosis (medically called onychomycosis) is a fairly common disease. According to doctors, it affects more than 15% of the world's population, although this pathology is diagnosed much less frequently (in 2% of people). This discrepancy is explained simply: nail fungus does not threaten life, and if its quality worsens, in most cases it is very insignificant. Therefore, people do not always consult a doctor for onychomycosis, try to cope with the disease on their own or simply leave it without treatment.
Nail fungus develops quite slowly. Therefore, the first signs of fungal infection usually escape the patient's attention. When changes in the nail caused by the fungus begin to be noticeable, it means that the process has already gone far enough and it will not be easy to defeat the fungus.
Onychomycosis is often perceived as an aesthetic problem: nails affected by the fungus appear unsightly. But it is necessary to fight fungi not only to return the nails to the correct shape and shine. If the fungus is left untreated, it will spread further. Usually the big toenail is the first to be affected. If treatment is not started, the fungus spreads to the other toes, and since we inevitably touch our feet with our hands, it is possible that the fingernails and fingernails will subsequently become infected with the fungus. The fungus also spreads to the skin surrounding the nail, causing irritation and itching.
Causes of onychomycosis
Onychomycosis can be caused by various types of fungi. First of all, these are dermatophytes. In second place are yeast fungi of the genus Candida, which are always present in small quantities on human skin (most often affecting nails). Mold infection is also possible (they usually accompany other pathogens. Isolated mold infection is typical not for our climate, but for the tropical climate).
The risk of fungal infections increases with age. In children, nail fungus is very rare, and, on the contrary, in the elderly it is detected relatively often. Furthermore, men suffer from onychomycosis more often than women.
The age specificity of the fungus is explained by the fact that our local immunity decreases over the years, while the natural defense of a young body, as a rule, suppresses the activity of fungi well, preventing them from colonizing the nail plate. There is a dependence not only on local immunity, but also on general immunity. A weakened general immune system constitutes a favorable context for the development of any fungal infection.
For fungi of the genus Candida, it is enough that there are problems with the immune system - they simply begin to actively reproduce. Fungi of other species still have to somehow enter our bodies from the external environment. Some types of fungi can be carried by animals. Molds are found everywhere; they are able to reproduce without a host. However, in most cases, the fungal infection spreads from person to person.
Mushrooms love a humid environment. Therefore, fungal infection often occurs in places where humidity is high. These are swimming pools, saunas, changing rooms, gyms. Wearing socks and shoes with wet feet can also be a trigger.
If wounds and cracks are present, they allow the infection to penetrate directly into the tissues, avoiding the need to attack the protective barrier that forms the surface of our skin.
The spread of fungi is facilitated by negligence in personal hygiene: you should not use someone else's slippers, soap or towel. It is precisely because not all families follow this rule that nail fungus often becomes a family disease.
Nail damage usually starts at the edge. Dermatophytes penetrate under the free edge of the nail plate (into the subungual recess). In this case, the pathological process develops mainly in the nail bed. The second way of penetration of fungi is from the nail fold. The Candida fungus usually affects the posterior nail fold first (paronychia occurs) and only then the nail itself suffers. One type of dermatophyte (T. mentagrophytes) can penetrate directly through the nail plate.
Symptoms of onychomycosis

The first sign of a fungal infection is loss of nail shine, dullness and discoloration. In cases where the infection affects the skin around the nail, itching occurs. If treatment is not started, the fungus begins to destroy the nail plate: the surface of the nail becomes rough, the nail can flake, flake, crack, crumble.
Specific manifestations depend on the pathogen, as well as the location, duration of the pathological process and its form. There are normotrophic, hypertrophic and atrophic forms of fungal infection.
It is characterized by the fact that the thickness of the nail plate remains unchanged. The disease manifests itself in the form of white or yellowish spots, which gradually increase in size. Eventually, the color of the entire nail changes. The nail plate may peel off because the fusion of the nail with the subungual tissues is disrupted.
It is characterized by a significant increase in the thickness of the nail plate (due to the growth of the subungual epithelium). The nail becomes yellowish-brown or gray in color. The nail plate usually actively crumbles. The nail is especially damaged from the sides, resulting in a claw shape.
With this form of fungal infection, the nail becomes thinner and destroyed, starting from the outer edge. The destruction goes deeper, up to the posterior nail fold; the nail bed is filled with a loose mass formed by decaying particles of the epithelium. Eventually, the nail may be lost completely.
Methods for diagnosing onychomycosis
Color changes and fragility of the nails should be a reason to consult a dermatologist. You should not replace the doctor and diagnose yourself - you can make a mistake: changes in the nail can have a different cause.
The doctor makes the diagnosis based on a visual examination (a microscope can be used). To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory diagnostics are performed. It is also necessary to establish the type of pathogen (this will allow prescribing the most effective treatment).
At the appointment, the doctor will scrape the affected nail plate. If the pathological process affected only the free edge of the nail, a curettage of the subungual epithelium is also carried out.
Microscopy is performed in the laboratory. Cultural studies are also carried out (the material is placed in a favorable environment and we see if a colony of fungi appears). Cultural studies make it possible to determine which fungi caused the disease.
To accurately diagnose the disease, make an appointment with the specialists in the Family Doctors network.
Treatment methods for onychomycosis

Treatment for nail fungus involves removing the affected part of the nail. Subsequently, treatment is carried out using local antifungal agents (ointments, drops, sprays, paints). For significant lesions, the doctor may prescribe general antifungal agents (tablets).
Since fungal activity increases in the context of immune problems, the proposed course of treatment may include measures to increase overall immunity.
It is recommended to apply local products (ointments, creams, drops) to the open nail bed. Do not stop treating the affected area until the time prescribed by your doctor has elapsed. Before removing the treatment, your doctor will most likely perform another curettage so that a laboratory test can confirm the absence of fungus. Otherwise, there is a high risk of relapse of the disease.
Don't self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.
Recipes with vinegar to treat nail fungus

After discovering toenail fungus, only a few decide to seek help from a specialist. Others often ignore the problem until it reaches an advanced stage. Given the expensive drug treatment, more and more people choose folk remedies to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of the disease.
Treating nail fungus with vinegar is the easiest way to get rid of an unpleasant disease at home. Easy and inexpensive recipes, if used correctly, will help quickly cure an incipient infection. Vinegar and eggs provide significant help in the complex therapy of onychomycosis, acting in addition to medications. The product is also used for the prevention and rapid relief of unpleasant symptoms.
Reviews of the folk remedy against toenail fungus using vinegar essence and eggs are mostly positive. Many patients claim that with the help of this remedy they managed to cope with the disease in just 2-3 weeks. However, this effect can only be achieved if the onychomycosis is in a non-advanced form.
Causes and symptoms of the fungus
Symptoms of the disease and photos:
- change in sheet metal thickness - thickening or thinning;
- unpleasant odor;
- swelling, hyperemia, pain in the nail folds;
- the appearance of stripes or spots of different colors: white, yellow, black;
- delamination and destruction of the plate, deformation.
In the later stages, the plaques move away from the bed, become mobile, and severe pain is felt during movement. The deformed plates make it difficult to put on the shoes. For women, the discomfort increases due to the impossibility of wearing open sandals, as their appearance is affected. Onychomycosis is usually accompanied by a skin infection, in which the limbs itch, peel, and the skin peels off. Vinegar essence, available in every home, can be a real salvation at the initial stage of nail fungus treatment.
The causative agents of onychomycosis are opportunistic, they are constantly present near humans. What factors contribute to the development of the disease:
- decreased immunity;
- constant contact with a sick person and his things;
- wearing and using someone else's clothing and hygiene products: wipes, slippers, manicure and pedicure accessories;
- ignore hygiene rules;
- increased sweating of the extremities;
- visiting beauty salons with shoddy antiseptics.
It is easy to get onychomycosis. It will take a long time to cure nail fungus with vinegar and any antifungal agent. Often the infection is detected when the pathogen has penetrated deep into the nail plates and their destruction is noticeable.

How does vinegar affect the source of the disease?
The positive effect resulting from the treatment of nail fungus with acetic acid is due to its effect on pathogenic microorganisms: an acidic environment is harmful to dermatophytes.
With prolonged contact with acid, the fungus stops multiplying and dies.
Ointment for treatment
An ointment capable of quickly and effectively curing mushrooms can be prepared according to the following recipes:
- Take glycerin and 7% or 9% vinegar and mix everything together. The quantity of components should be used in such a way that it is necessary to form a paste-like consistency. After that, the finished mixture is applied to the feet approximately 2 times a day.
- You need to take 1 egg and soak it in 70% vinegar essence. After waiting for the shell to melt, remove the film and mix the egg white and yolk with 200 g of butter. Before using the ointment, it is recommended to steam your feet well. It should be kept for up to 8 hours, so it is best to use the product overnight.
You can prepare an ointment to cure nail fungus at home using one of the following recipes:
- Take glycerin, olive oil and dimethyl phthalate in equal parts. Mix and add a double amount of 70% vinegar essence to the resulting mixture and mix again. Apply to the nail and leave for 10 hours, then wash with water and laundry soap;
- take 40 g of eucalyptus essential oil, 1 generous spoonful of 9% vinegar and 15 g of honey, mix everything and place in the refrigerator for 3 days. After that, the finished ointment should be applied to the affected nail plate once a day.
You can use vinegar against toenail fungus through cauterization. The main advantage of this method is that it requires minimal time and the efficiency is comparable to other methods.
How to prepare the mixture? Traditionally, vinegar and iodine are mixed in equal parts and applied to all toenails. The amount of product applied depends on the size of your straightener. Usually do not use more than 2-4 drops. After that, you need to wait until the solution is absorbed and you can get dressed or, for example, go to bed. The procedure is performed no more than 1-2 times a day.
What are the causes of fungal infections?
Fungusspreading from the foot (known as"dermatophyte fungi"), cause most fungal nail infections. Less commonly, nail infections are caused by other types of fungi, usually yeasts (e. g.Candida) ANDmold.
These fungi tend to attack already damaged nails, as it is easier for the fungus to penetrate. Fungal toenail infections are very common (1 in 4 people may be affected at some point), while toenail fungus is less common. Both types are more common in older adults, people with weakened immune systems, and people with diabetes and poor peripheral circulation. A warm, moist environment helps fungi grow and cause infections. Wearing tight shoes or using showers, bathrooms or locker rooms can increase the risk of yeast infections.
Are they hereditary?
Absolutely not. However, in some extremely rare cases, there is a genetic risk factor and other family members may also be affected.
What are the symptoms of fungal nail infections?
Initially there are usually no symptoms. Subsequently, the nails may thicken and become painful when pressure is applied to the inside of the shoe. They are therefore difficult to cut. The sight of an infected toenail, especially a toenail, can be embarrassing. The affected nail can ruin socks and tights and can also rub adjacent skin. Nearby skin may also have a fungal infection; it may itch, crack, blister, or appear whitish, especially between the toes.
What do fungal nail infections look like?
Fungal nail infectionit usually starts at the free edge and then extends down the side of the nail to the base of the cuticle. Eventually the entire nail may be affected. Infected areas turn white or yellowish and become thickened and scaly. Less commonly, white inclusions may be present on the surface of the nail. The nails most susceptible to damage caused by fungal infections are the big toes and little toes. Sometimes, especially for those who regularly work in wet jobs, such as housewives or cleaners, the skin around the nail becomes red and swollen. This is called paronychia and can allow the infection to enter the nail easily.
How are fungal nail infections diagnosed?
Fungal nail infectionsusually diagnosed clinically. Your doctor may take a piece of the infected nail and send it to a laboratory to see if the fungus can be seen under a microscope or grown in culture. Repeated sampling may sometimes be necessary.
Many nail problems can only appearfungal infection, - for example, changes observed in psoriasis, after a bacterial infection or an old injury, but antifungal tablets do not help. Appropriate treatment may depend on knowing the fungus causing the problem; It may take several weeks to see results.
Can fungal nail infections be cured?
YES. However, to be successfultreatment of fungal nail infectionsLong-term treatment is required, which can take up to a year. Nails are easier to treat.Fungal nail infectionsthey usually recur, especially on the toes.
How can fungal nail infections be treated?
Fungal nail infectionsthey are not bothersome per se, not all of them require treatment. Some people with infected toenails don't care about them at all. In this case, they can sometimes be left alone (although the patient must be careful and try not to spread the infection to other parts of the body and to the nails or to other people).
On the other hand, ifinfected nailscause embarrassment or discomfort, they are usually treated. It is important to treat people whose infections can cause serious health problems, such as diabetes or a weakened immune system, to prevent potentially serious health problems.
The aim of the treatment is to eliminate the fungus: afterwards the nail normally returns to normal. However, if the nail was damaged before becoming infected, it will be more difficult to clean and may return to its previous state.Nail infectionscaused by mold and yeast can be very resistant to treatment.
Treatment options include:
Treatments applied to the nails (local treatments)
Treatments applied to the nails do not work as well as treatments administered orally. They are more effective if the infection is in an early stage. The most commonly used methods are amorolfine medicinal nail polish, ciclopirox and tioconazole solution.
You may not be able to clean the deeper parts of the infected nail yourself, but it may be helpful to regularly remove the damaged part of the nail using a nail clipper or sander. Oral medications used in combination with an antifungal agent increase the chance of recovery. You may need to use them for 4-12 months before you notice any effects.
Forfingernail infectionsthe course of treatment is shorter. The cure rate with local treatments alone is approximately 15-30%. Local treatment is safe. Redness and irritation may occur.
Before you start taking the pills, your doctor should send part of the nail to a laboratory to check whether the diagnosis of fungal infection is confirmed.
Laser and photodynamic therapy can be helpful but are less effective than the topical and systemic treatments listed above.
Plant-based products are also promotedtreatment of fungal nail infections, but there is no convincing evidence that it is safe or more effective than standard treatments.
Surgical removal of nails
Sometimes very thick nails that do not respond to pills alone can be removed by surgeons under local anesthesia, however this is rarely done as the level of result does not justify surgery.
- Keep your nails short, dry and clean. Use one nail clipper for infected nails and the other for normal nails.
- Don't just treat your nails; Use an antifungal cream to treat the skin on your feet.
- Avoid cutting your cuticles, either by yourself or by a nail technician, as this increases the risk of nail damage and infection.
For fungal infection on toes:
- Wear comfortable shoes without high heels or tight socks.
- Keep your feet dry, wear cotton socks and change them every day, and use breathable shoes. Regular washing in hot water will clean most contaminated socks, but can be made more effective by using an antifungal spray before washing. Other clothing generally cannot be contaminated.
- Maintain good foot hygiene, including treating any infections.
- Wear clean shower shoes when using shared showers.
- Pay particular attention to the hygiene of the affected feet.
- Consider seeking help from a podiatrist if thickened toenails are causing discomfort when walking.
Vinegar and eggs against nail fungus give positive results if used daily. If no effect is observed during treatment, you should consult a doctor and start drug therapy. In this case, you can continue to use folk remedies - they will only speed up the healing process.
It should be remembered that treatment for onychomycosis will always take a long time. To achieve a full recovery, it may take several months to a year with regular treatment procedures.